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UK Visa Appeal: Everything You Should Know Before Going Ahead

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UK Visa Appeal: Everything You Should Know Before Going Ahead

News & Articles Chester Manchester UK
UK Visa Appeal

Picture This: It is a fine morning. You wake up and are taking a walk in your garden. Suddenly, you see a letter in the letterbox from the UK Home Office. It is a visa application refusal letter. 

Disheartening- Isn’t it? Sometimes, your UK visa application can get rejected even on some simple grounds, like lacking financial requirements, not providing correct information, breaching immigration rules, and the list keeps going.

Since the refusal of a visa application means Human Rights refusal, here is where your right to a UK visa appeal comes in. with immigration appeal rights, you are allowed to review and ensure that the refusal decision occurs for any errors, breached human rights or laws incorrectly interpreted. 

But before you go ahead with the appeal, you should have a brief idea of the process and some of its relevant facts. See here.

How to Apply for UK Visa Appeal-

Since your visa application has been rejected already, you have to make sure that the same doesn’t happen this time. That’s why we recommend having an immigration appeal lawyer by your side to complete the procedure with no mistakes. 

And for the application, here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Read the letter the Home Office sent thoroughly and figure out the reasons for the refusal. Also, check what rights you have for the visa appeal, like asking for a hearing.
  • Prepare yourself for the immigration visa appeal, whether it be collecting the documents or the basics.
  • Fill out and submit the form for the visa appeal online within a couple of weeks if you live in the UK. Or else the period is 28 days from the date the decision letter is sent. 
  • Collect and submit all the documents required and support your application. 

Time Length You Have to Wait for the UK Visa After the Appeal-

There is no certain period within which you can expect your UK visa to be granted after filling up the visa appeal application form. The time length can vary for every individual depending on their case, such as:

  • The difficulty of your case
  • How strong is your visa appeal application is
  • The type of refusal appeal 

However, the average expected time is between six months to one year, although you will know the decision on hearing at the Tribunal (one month from your appeal). According to the hearing, the decision will be reconsidered. 

Not Everyone Is Eligible for the Appeal-

UK visa appeal allows you to state your wish, like if you prefer an oral hearing of your visa refusal case or the Tribunal to decide based on the information you have provided. 

But you should know that not everyone can make this application for a visa appeal against the refusal decision of the Home Office. You are eligible when any of these actions have been performed by the Home Office:

  • Revoke your protection status and British citizenship
  • Your asylum claims and humanitarian protection rights are refused
  • Refused Frontier Worker Permit
  • Refusal of human rights claims
  • Change your length of stay etc.

Bottom Line

We hope you have understood the facts of the UK visa appeal. And if you are going ahead with the application, schedule a free call for a consultation with our immigration appeal solicitors. Our experts will help you throughout the procedure, from start to end and ensure everything is done correctly. Stay connected!

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