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The Financial Requirement for the UK Partner visa 2022

News & Articles

The Financial Requirement for the UK Partner visa 2022

News & Articles Chester Manchester UK
The Financial Requirement for the UK Partner visa Chester Manchester

There are many requirements to meet for your spouse visa, fiancé visa, or civil partner visa but one of the most intricate requirements is the financial requirement.

Firstly, as the sponsor, you must be able to meet the financial requirement of £18,600. This can be achieved in many ways, but some examples include, employment, self-employment, non-employment income, and savings. However, ensuring that you provide the precise documents can be one of the most difficult aspects of being granted an entry clearance visa and in a lot of cases, can be the cause of application refusals where vital evidence is missed.

Further complications may also be introduced where you have, for example, recently changed job, you want to combine employments or sources of incomes, where you have worked for your employer for less than six months, or where your savings have fallen below the required threshold. Remember, you must also meet the financial requirement once again, after two and a half years, when your partner’s visa is due for renewal.

To minimize the risk of refusal, we recommend that you contact one of our expert immigration solicitors who can guide you step by step through the process and offer you a free consultation to ensure your application is submitted only when your financial documents are ready.

1 Comment

  1. Paul Davies says:
    October 11, 2023

    I intend to marry my Indonesian fiancee in the uk and plan to live together in the UK. Please can I have a free consultation to discuss my options?


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