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Family Visa UK: Types, Processing Time and Professional Assistance

News & Articles

Family Visa UK: Types, Processing Time and Professional Assistance

News & Articles Chester Manchester UK
Family Visa UK

Uk family visas are a category of UK entry and residence authorizations that are given to those who have the goal of establishing a family life with their UK resident family members.

There are different ways to get a UK family visa and these could be-

Apply as a

  • Partner of the UK resident
  • Widowed partner of a former UK resident
  • Parent of the Uk resident
  • Child of the UK resident
  • A disabled or dependent relative of a UK resident
  • Separate spouse or a partner of the UK resident

Types of Family Visa

Spouse visa

If you are planning to join your spouse in the UK or any other partner who is either a British citizen, a settled person, a refugee, or someone under humanitarian protection, you can apply for a spouse visa. However, you must have a relationship with the person and this could be a relationship of marriage, a strong relationship, or civil partnership, etc.

Parent Visa

UK Parent visa is for those parents who want to stay with their sons or daughters who are British citizens and settled persons who have spent at least 7 years in the years. 

However, the children must be 18 years of age when they apply for the UK family visa for the first time

Child Visa

The UK child visa is issued to children of a settled person in the UK. The child must be dependent on the parents. Parents along with the child must submit a joint application for a UK family visa.

Visa for a dependent spouse who is divorcée or separated

If your relationship ended because of your partner’s domestic abuse, a separated or divorced dependent partner visa is provided with the intention of allowing you to stay there permanently. In order to receive public funding while your application for settlement is being handled, you must have had your previous visa as the husband or partner of the aforementioned sponsor.

Visa for those who need long-run care

The goal of the Visa for Adults in Need of Care by a Relative is to accept long-term care from a relative who is a British citizen, a settled person, a refugee, or who is protected by humanitarian law in the UK. An adult (18 years or older) with a handicap, a medical condition, or someone who has reached old age must require this form of care.

A family visa based on your personal life

Due to your unfavorable personal circumstances for leaving the UK or your excessive presence in the UK, the Family visa is granted to allow you to stay permanently in the UK after having resided there for a while.

What is the UK family visa processing time?

The processing time of a UK family visa may vary between 1-3 months. In cases, the processing time may take more time in complex cases. However, a family visa generally lasts 12 weeks to process.

How long can you stay with a Family visa in the UK?

Family visa allows you to stay in the UK for 2 years and 9 months. After this, you will need to apply for a visa extension. When you apply for a visa extension, you will be allowed to stay for another 2 years and 6 months.

Final Words

Intime Immigration Limited(Intime Solicitors) is the UK’s top immigration company that offers professional visa assistance. We operate with a team of highly professional and experienced Immigration lawyers and solicitors. We can even help you with complex cases. And, we can also represent your case if needed. 

If you want to apply for a UK family visa, our team can guide you in the best possible way.

Click here to learn about our services. Book a free appointment to discuss visa requirements. 

1 Comment

  1. Jackie Smith says:
    September 30, 2022

    HI I would like to understand more about a family visa, email is my preferred contact


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