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2024 UK Fiance Visa Processing Time: Top 3 Queries Answered

News & Articles

2024 UK Fiance Visa Processing Time: Top 3 Queries Answered

News & Articles Chester Manchester UK
Fiance Visa in Manchester

Are you planning to settle with your partner in Manchester, UK, this year? If yes, the best way to make your dream come true is to obtain a fiance visa. It allows you to enter the UK with the condition of getting married within 6 months of your arrival. Make sure you make the application outside the UK. Once you get married, you will be eligible to apply for a spouse visa, permitting you to stay here for the next 2.5 years. 

However, when it comes to applying for a fiance visa, applicants often find it confusing, especially regarding the processing time. As a result, we get several queries relevant to visa processing time and visa requirements. In today’s blog, we are going to share some uncommon queries and resolve them to ensure you have a stress-free immigration process. Let’s begin!

Uncommon Queries on Fiance Visa Processing Time 2024:

Usually, the common questions we get from the applicants are either on fiance visa requirements or the detailed process of application. But, this year, we have got some different queries regarding the visa processing time, for instance:

Jane Doe- “Can you tell me what the current processing time is for a UK fiance visa, as I need to plan my travel accordingly?”

Well, the processing time starts when you apply for the visa application and provide the details online or at your nearest visa centre about yourself and your partner settled in the UK. In the necessary paperwork, you need to submit the following:

  • Your name and date of birth
  • Photocopy of passport and visas
  • Details of country outside the UK you live in
  • Criminal convictions, if there are any
  • Valid details about your relationship, including the time, how you met, how often you see each other, etc.

Then, you have to attend the English test CEFR Level A1 to get a finance visa. It proves that you understand the English language and are eligible to settle in the UK. This overall process may take around 2 to 3 months in standard cases, while for priority cases, that may be within one month. 

However, if any issue occurs, causing visa refusal, you may have to go for a visa appeal or apply again for a UK fiance visa

Maria Wei- “I am eagerly waiting to join my partner there as soon as possible. So, can I know when the UK fiance visa will start?”

It depends on your intended date of travel here, as you have mentioned in the online application form and the decision date of the Home Office. In this case, if the decision comes before your intended date, the visa will be available on the intended date of travel up to the next six months. But, when the decision date is after the intended date, it will be shortly after the decision date. 

John Garcia- “I am considering applying for a fiance visa to the UK to meet my partner there. But, I am confused. Will a sponsor keep their original passport when submitting the visa?

Yes, it’s possible. For instance, if your partner is the sponsor here, her physical passport won’t be submitted during the visa process. However, the digital copy or paper copy of the passport will be taken based on the chosen submission procedure.

In Conclusion-

If you have any of these queries, we hope we have solved up to a great extent. Still, if you have any doubts, we recommend consulting our fiance visa solicitors in Manchester, UK. We have years of experience in UK fiance visa and settlement applications. Book a free consultation today for an online assessment, or call us now for any query about UK fiance visa requirements!

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