Start Up Visa Chester Manchester UK

Expert UK Immigration Solicitors

Start Up Visa

Intime Solicitors are experts in UK Visas and Settlement Applications.

Expert UK Immigration Solicitors

Start Up Visa

Intime Solicitors are experts in UK Visas and Settlement Applications.

Start Up Visa Chester Manchester UK
Start Up Visa Chester Manchester UK

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Starting a new business in the UK has never been easier. The UK is one of the few countries in the world in which entrepreneurship is extremely encouraging and accommodating not only to British citizens but also to migrants. The Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa which has now been replaced by the start-up visa was previously the only route into the UK for new budding entrepreneurs. The lack of funding and huge start-up capital however was a major setback for migrants looking to enter the UK on the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa.

The start-up visa is aimed at new entrepreneurs looking to get their idea up and running in the UK. These entrepreneurs may not necessarily have the required amount of experience, however, their passion and desire to succeed is what makes this route more encouraging and hopefully rewarding. New ideas however need to be endorsed by a relevant endorsing body looking to approve their business plan. Some endorsing bodies include higher education institutions and other experienced governing bodies that far better understand various different businesses and the market in general.

The first step to succeeding in your Application is by having your plan approved by an endorsing body. You must also be over the age of 18 and have sufficient enough savings to support yourself. Currently, this figure stands at £945.

Indefinite Leave to Remain on the start-up route.

The purpose of this route is to get tour entrepreneurial journey started in the UK, and not with the vision to allow inexperienced entrepreneurs to obtain their ILR status. Due to the nature of this visa, the required length of time is only 2 years after which you may upgrade to the Innovator visa route.

Talk to us about your immigration matter

Intime Solicitors are experts in UK Visas and Settlement Applications.
